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Eckhart Tolle.
Frequency - Penney Peirce.
Pablo Neruda
Robert Frost
Jim Morrison
*Peaceful Warrior
*The Thirteenth Floor
*The Celestine Prophecy
*What Dreams May Come
Abre Los Ojos (Open Your Eyes)
Cant Think Straight (Lesbian)
Dances With Wolves
Instinct (1999)
Swept Away
Cast Away
Waking Life
Purple Rose Of Cairo
Sun Dial
Imagine-John Lennon
Porcupine Tree
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In any case, the words in themselves are not important, they are not the Truth; they only point to it.
Look beyond the words.
There Are No Limits, Only Beliefs.
The unmanifested, within the manifested.
The greatest (r)evolution in our generation is that human beings,
who by changing the inner attitudes of their minds,
can change the outer aspects of their lives.
Be the change you wish to see in the world.
Begin to see yourself as a soul with a body rather than a body with a soul.
There is no point in reminding others of their faults; it only keeps Our Self stuck in thoughts of what isnt working. Seeing what isnt wastes precious time for bringing love through bodies.
In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try & change the problematic model. You create a new model & make the old one obsolete.
You can have anything you want, you can drift, you can dream, even walk on water, anything you want. You could own every thing you see, sell your soul for complete contol.. Is that realy what you need.? ... You could loose your self this night, See Inside there is nothing to hide, turn & face the light. =]
Everything is honor'd, but nothing matter. Forms are born & die, yet you are aware of the eternal underneath the forms.
The secret of life is to "die before you die" & find that there is no death.
There is no time.
There are no problems.
- No one who is at one with himself can ever conceive of conflict.
The wisest man knows that he knows nothing.
A knowing of which the mind knows nothing.
Re-educate us
in the art of personal freedom
Underneath the level of physical apperences & seperate forms, you are one with all that is.
What we are doing here is part of a profound transformation that is taking place in the collective consciousness of the planet & beyond: The awakening of consciousness from the Dream of matter, & seperation. The ending of Time. We are breaking mind patterns that have dominated human life for eons. Mind patterns have created unimaginable suffering on a vast scale. Called unconsciousness, or insanity.
Get past all that you know is wrong within our world & live without it.
"Just as the study of madness isnt enough to create sanity. "
Free yourself from the illusion that you are nothing more than your physical body & your mind. This "illusion of the self" is the core error.
Just as the sun is infinitly brighter than a candle flame, there is infinitly more intelligence in Being than in your mind.
The realm of consciousness is much vaster than thought can grasp. When you no longer believe everything you think, you step out of thought & see clearly.
Wisdom is not a product of thought.
It is the deep Knowing that is wisdom.
Do you need more knowledge? Is more information going to save the world, or faster computers, more scientific or intellectual analysis, ?
Is it not wisdom that humanity needs most at this time?
But what is wisdom & where is it to be found, ?
Wisdom comes with the ability to be still. Just look & listen. No more is needed. Being still, looking & listening activated the non-conceptual intelligence within you.
Let stillness direct your words & actions.
When we take the first step, of allowing for the possibility of multiple dimensions and astral projection as realities, we can then focus on ways to understand, explore, and actually experience these things. In doing so, we can open the door to an amazing and expansive existence
People say that the astral plane is even more real than the physical plane, the third dimention in which your reading this. I believe they're all real, but they're all our illusion, no one is more real than the other.
The Astral worlds are very real indeed, seeming much more solid and real than the physical world, the physical world merely being a very pale projection of these inner or more specifically inner realities; an illusion that might seem very real, but is really only “real” in accordance with and as perpetuated by the restricted perception of the five mundane physical senses existing exclusively to enable interaction with the physical world of matter. -
Metamorphose. An object is cut off from its name,
habits, associations. Detached, it becomes only
the thing, in & of its self. When this disintegration
into pure existance is at last achieved, the object
is free to become endlessly anything.
Her breath began to speak As she stood right in front of me The colour of her eyes Were the colour of insanity"
From the other direction She was calling my eye
It could be an illusion, but i might as well try
Might as well try.
For there is no road;
The road appears
Whichever way you go.
The more that you give The more it will take To the thin line beyond Which you really cant fake.
Too Many Names By Pablo Neruda:
Mondays are meshed with Tuesdays
and the week with the whole year.
Time cannot be cut
with your weary scissors,
and all the names of the day
are washed out by the waters of night.
No one can claim the name of Pedro,
nobody is Rosa or Maria,
all of us are dust or sand,
all of us are rain under rain.
They have spoken to me of Venezuelas,
of Chiles and of Paraguays;
I have no idea what they are saying.
I know only the skin of the earth
and I know it is without a name.
When I lived amongst the roots
they pleased me more than flowers did,
and when I spoke to a stone
it rang like a bell.
It is so long, the spring
which goes on all winter.
Time lost its shoes.
A year is four centuries.
When I sleep every night,
what am I called or not called?
And when I wake, who am I
if I was not while I slept?
This means to say that scarcely
have we landed into life
than we come as if new-born;
let us not fill our mouths
with so many faltering names,
with so many sad formallities,
with so many pompous letters,
with so much of yours and mine,
with so much of signing of papers.
I have a mind to confuse things,
unite them, bring them to birth,
mix them up, undress them,
until the light of the world
has the oneness of the ocean,
a generous, vast wholeness,
a crepitant fragrance.
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Let Nature Be Your Teacher
Let Love Be Your Guide
Let Destiny Bring You The Truth..
no tomorrow for change
for the future is Now
this only little time remains.
vanity and pride
brought blindness in strife
true values held in hide
still burning inside
.. we enter
the eclipse of mankind
Dreams - Eloy
Close your eyes, you'll feel paralyzed
Colour shapes and shades all mingle
Suddenly it feels so bizarre
Faintly still you hear your heartbeat
Is it just an illusion,
or a mainline infusion,
Welcome dreamer!
Take shelter in this world of surreality
Gain wisdom from the astral world
Look inside the eye of the mind
And find deliverance; at last
Free from anxiety Now
Everything's clear in your mind
You found your sanctuary now
Leaving all sorrows behind
In your dreams you'll be closer to yourself
Find a direction to your life
Dreams of good and dreams of bad
All experience you've had
Is it just an illusion,
or a mainline infusion,
Dreams recalled seem so true and real
Waking up your lit with feelings
Emanating this new found might
Days that once were grey are shining
Dormant emotions awake
tasting sweet to your mind
You see your goal way ahead
shining like a beacon in the dark
Forever is here and now
it's not a trick of the light
You hear a silence within
Peace and love reunite in everlasting burning light
You feel your aura expanding
bathing in virginal joy
Just like a flower in bloom
still in embryonic state crave for an identity
Free from anxiety now
everything's clear in your mind
You found your sanctuary now
leaving all sorrows behind
In your dreams you'll be closer to yourself
Find a direction to your life
Don't dispair when you feel you're in the shade
Wait and your dreams will lend a hand
Even after all this time, the sun never says to the earth ‘You owe Me.’ Look what happens with a love like that – it lights up the Whole Sky.”
Perhaps the "quantum entities" in a pattern of knowledge of a distant or future event dissolve into waves & reapear in our bodies as impressions as they become particles again - bypassing time & space altogether.
In the unified field, distance doesnt matter; time doesnt factor in. Knowing is immediate & everywhere at once.
Reality is what we take to be true. What we take to be true is what we believe. What we believe is based upon our perceptions. What we perceive depends upon what we look for. What we look for depends upon what we think. What we think depends upon what we perceive. What we perceive determines what we believe. What we believe determines what we take to be true. what we take to be true is our reality.
It is done as you believe
You can attract only that which you mentally become and feel yourself to be in reality.
When you change the way you look at things,
the things you look at change.
Oh, let what I am keep on existing and ceasing to exist,
and let my obedience align itself with such iron conditions
that the quaking of deaths and of births doesn’t shake
the deep place I want to reserve for myself eternally.
Let me, then, be what I am, wherever and in whatever weather.
You are not to worry about making a living. True masters are those that have chosen to make a life, not a living. Go ahead & do whatever you really love. Do nothing else. Dont waste your time on this planet doing something you don't want to do.
"We're not put here to toil in the mud & the muck."
Life is about love & joy & passion & following you bliss, following what you highly interested in . Its not meant to go to a job that you hate for 50, 60 hours a week for the next thirty or fourty years of your life. I think that people fall into that trapping of thinking that their supposed to slave away at a job that they hate because they go down the path of trying to figure out how they can bring in income and unfortunitly as you start doing that instead of focusing on your passion & realizing that as your consistent on doing that, that the money is eventualy going to come & take care of you. But the problem is that people get themselves so far into a hole, they dig & dig & dig deeper into this hole, they've got themselves so far in debt that they end up loosing out on the ability to realize what life's about in the first place. & in a lot of ways thats the way our society is designed, its designed to get you to the point where you have so over extended your self, that your lost in the midst of debt, your lost in the midst of never learning how to be happy, never learning how to Be joyful & doing what you were put here to do, but thats up to you, its up to you as to what you want to do theres nothing thats laid out, in my opinion, ahead of you thats conducting or telling you 'this is what your supposed to do this is the way your supposed to go & if you dont do this your off your path'. I think You determine your path but ultimatly what that tells you if that is a quote on quote correct path for you is how you feel when your walking it.
Somewhere Between
God help us! & the lizards;
Somewhere between seeing & speaking, somewhere
Between our solid & greasy currency of words
& the first star, the great moths flutterin
About the ghosts of flowers,
Lies the clear place where I, no longer I,
Nevertheless remember
Love's nightlong wisdom of the other shore;
And, listening to the wind, remember too
That other night, that first widowhood
Sleepless, with death beside me in the dark
Mine, mine, all mine, mine inescapably!
But I, no longer I,
In this clear place between my thought & silence
See all I had & lost, anguish & joys,
Glowing like gentions in the Alpine grass,
Blue, unpossessed & open.
Consequently, the watcher --- pure concsiousness --- from beyond form --- becomes stronger, & the mental formations become weaker. When we talk about watching the mind we are personalizing an event that is truly of cosmic significance: Through you, concsiousness is awakening out of its Dream of identification with form & withdrawing from form. This foreshadows, but is already part of, an event that is probably still in the distant future as far as chronological time is concerned. The event is called --- "The end of the world".
When concsiousness frees itself from its identification with physical & mental forms, it becomes what we may call pure or enlightened consciousness, or presence. This has already happened in a few individuals, & it seems destined to happen soon on a much larger scale, although there is no absolute garentee that it will happen. Most humans are still in the grip of the egoic mode of concsiousness: identified with their mind & run by their mind. If they do not free themselves from their mind in time, they will be destroyed by it. They will experience increasing confusion, conflict, violence, illness, despair, madness. Egoic mind has become like a sinking ship. If you dont get off, you will go down with it.
The collective egoic mind is the most dangerously insane & destructive entity to ever inhabit this planet.
What do you think will happen on this planet if human concsiousness remains unchanged, ?
Already for most humans, the only respite they find from their own minds is to occasionally revert to a level of concsiousness below thought. Every one does that during sleep . But this also happens to some extent through alcohol & other drugs that supress excessive mind activity. If it werent for alcohol, tranquilizers, antidepressants, as well as unnatual drugs, which are all consumed in vast quantities, the insanity of the human mind would become even more glaringly obvious than it is already. I believe that, if deprived of their drugs, a large part of the population would become a danger to themselves & others. These drugs, of corse, simply keep you stuck in dysfunction. Their widespread use only delays the breakdown of the old mind stuctures & the emergence of higher consciousness. While individual users may get some relief from the daily torture inflicted on them by their minds, they are prevented from generating enough conscious presence to rise above thought & so find true liberation.
Falling back to a level of consciousness below mind, which is the pre-thinking level of our distant ancestors & of animals & plants, is not an option for us. There is no way back. If the human race is to survive, it will have to go on to the next stage. Consciousness is evolving throughout the universe in billions of forms. So even if we didnt make it, this wouldnt matter on a cosmic scale. No gain in consciousness is ever lost, so it would simply express itself through some other form. But the very fact that I am speaking here & you are listening or reading this is a clear sign that the new consciousness is gaining a foothold on the planet.
There is nothing personal in this: I am not teaching you. You are consciousness, & you are listening to yourself.
There is an Eastern saying: "The teacher & the taught together create the teaching." In any case, the words in themselves are not important. They are not the Truth; they only point to it. I speak from presence, & as I speak, you may be able to join me in that state. Although ev'ry word that I use has a history, of corse, & comes from the past, as all language does, the words that I speak to you now are carriers of the high-energy frequency of presence, quite apart from the meaning they convey as words.
Silence is an even more potent carrier of presence, so when you read or listen to me speak, be aware of the silence between & underneath the words. Be aware of the gaps. To listen to silence, wherever you are, is an easy & direct way of becoming present. Even if there is noise, there is always some silence underneath & in between the sounds. Listening to silence immediatly creates a stillness inside you. Only stillness in you can perceive the silence outside. & what is stillness other than presence, consciousness freed from throught forms, ? Here is the living realization of what we have been talking about.
..Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, univercities destroy knowledge, governments destroy Freedom, the major media destroys information, & religion destroys spirituality.
Our Freedom. My Freedom. All Freedom, is our natural & eternal right. Not the gift of some dark suit or uniform to deside if its gonna give it to us or not.
So it seems Space between the focus shape ascend knowledge of love As song and chance develop time, lost social temperance rules
Then according to the man who show'd his outstreched arm to space, He turn'd around an point'd, revealing all the human race.
I shook my head and smiled a whisper, knowing all about the place.
On the hill we veiw'd the silence of the valley,
Call'd to witness cycles only of the past.
And we reach all this with movements in between the said remark.
Call Of The Wild - Eloy.
Sudden vibes awaken deep inside
Words and sounds that echo in the night
It's like an animal
it's aboriginal
So animotional
it's taken over all your senses
Don't be afraid you must obey the
talk of the call of the wild
Deep down you know how to enjoy
feeling the call of the wild
Open the door of the cage
that's been holding you prisoner
and living a lie
and silence follows your cry
Pungent is the danger in the air
vibrant notions reach from everywhere
it seems so natural
So very physical
a little virginal
at last you're tearing down all fences
Don't be afraid you must obey the
tug of the call of the wild
Deep down you know how to enjoy
feeling the call of the wild
Now that you're sharing
the cradle of wisdom
and daring to reach for the skies
a silence follows your cry
It's like an animal,
it's aboriginal
So animotional
it's taking over all your senses
Don't be afraid you must obey the
tug of the call of the wild
Deep down you know how to enjoy
feeling the call of the wild
Don't hesitate the chance to escape
follow the call of the wild
Deep down you know how to enjoy
Feeling the call of the wild
It's something that you can't deny
It's ruling all your senses