i like the idea of going off into a remote area and living off the land. designing our own way. and living it. buying land is expensive though. well it can be. though with the right amount of people working towards it. we could own our own chunk of happiness on it. I have researched the market into owning land out there. i also stumbled upon the tiny house idea as well, kind of like the loop hole in the system of papers and permits etc. it is entirely possible. though with proper organization and keeping in touch, it can be very well turned into something awesome. especially what you said about seed collection and the knowledge of fire etc.
the human needs the essentials:
- heat
- shelter
- water
- food source
when i say these things. especiall the question about being sick or hospitalized. if you keep safe, know your herbs, and eat well. things can be prevented, and you can live.
there has been people who have been lost in the wilds and survived off catching fish, eating berries, filtering water, and creating temporary shelters. one guy was lost for 2 months roughly, and he said he lived well till he found a road finally.
just my 2 cents of course

hopefully this helps with any doubts.